A Complete Guide to A Complete Guide to Silk Top WigsSilk Top Wigs

Have you been struggling to find a wig that doesn't look too...wiggy?

Over the years, wig technology has advanced way beyond the old wig your grandmother used to wear. You now have the options of the most realistic-looking wigs that money can buy.

One of the most natural looks you can achieve with a wig is by wearing a silk top wig. If you're wondering how you can rock a silk wig for an undetectable look, keep reading.

We're giving you the lowdown on silk top wigs!

What Are Silk Top Wigs?

If you're a wig connoisseur, you're probably more familiar with lace front wigs. These are wigs that have a layer of lace at the front of the wig that allows the wig to look more like skin.

Silk top wigs take it another step further. On top of the lace, there is a silk fabric on the top front of the cap. This silk layer covers the pesky little knots that make wigs look less natural.

Having a silk layer makes the knots 100% invisible, giving the illusion that the hair is coming out of your scalp. This gives you a flawless appearance so there's no need to bleach or dye the knots on your wig.

How Do I Wear a Silk Top Wig?

Any wig application will look best when your natural hair is flat underneath your wig. You'll want to braid your hair or slick it back.

Place your wig on top of your hair or put a wig cap on underneath. If your wig has combs or elastic bands, adjust to your comfort level.

If you would like an even more secure installation, you can use wig glue to secure your wig near the part. However, since silk is a delicate fabric, you don't want to put too much glue on your unit. This will create unattractive product build-up.

To prevent build-up, wash off the glue with soap and water after each removal. You'll quickly notice how natural the silk top wig looks!

Caring for a Silk Top Wig

As with hair extensions, you should care for them as you would your own hair. Take off your wig every night and store them on a mannequin head. If you chose to have your wig sewn in, wear a silk bonnet or scarf.

Wash your wig twice a month with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. You should also avoid weighing your wig down with too many products.

If you purchase human hair full lace wigs with a silk top, you're free to use heat styling tools on your hair. But heat damage is possible with wigs just as it is with your natural hair. If you can wear your wig in its natural state, try to do so.

Silk Top Wigs: The Best Scalp Money Can Buy

There's no denying that wigs are making a comeback in the beauty industry. They're beautiful, low maintenance, and undetectable!

If you're all about a natural looking wig, silk top wigs may be the best choice for you.

Learn more about how to care for your wigs and browse our wig collection to unleash your inner beauty.

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