7 Tips for Finding the Most Natural Looking Wigs

All wig-wearers have been there: you step into a Starbucks bathroom in the late afternoon of a day spent running errands, and see that your wig is askew. It's 4:00. It's probably been like this for hours.

It can be embarrassing to be spotted with a wig on, so you probably want to avoid it at all costs. It's not too difficult to make your wig look natural, but you do need to find natural looking wigs to make the process easier.

Keep reading for all the best tips and tricks on finding natural hair wigs that look realistic!

Human vs. Synthetic Hair

This is the big question as you invest in high-quality wigs: is human hair worth the added price?

That's up to you. Despite synthetic hair's best efforts, there's a certain inexplicable quality to human hair wigs that make them look more real. It's an added bonus that it's easier to deal with, too.

If you're looking for cheap wigs that look real, synthetic hair is the way to go. It can hold up to coloring better, making it more versatile and long-lasting. Only the most discerning people can tell the difference, so the choice is yours (and your budget's).

Plan Ahead

In order to make your wig look the most realistic, consider how you like to wear your hair before investing in one. Do you wear it up in a ponytail or bun frequently?

If so, you definitely need to make sure you get a lace front wig. Lace front wigs are sparser in the front, creating a more natural hairline that looks real when your hair is tied up.

If you like to wear your hair down, you need to make sure you get a monofilament top. Monofilament tops have sparser hair in the part, which emulates the way real hair looks on the scalp.

The best wigs will feature both of these elements, so keep that in mind if you like to vary your hairstyles.

DIY a Natural Look

Wigs look pretty natural, but if you really want to go the extra mile, there are a few things you can do to make it look like it grew right out of your scalp!

First of all, you can bleach the lace beneath the hair so you won't be able to see it in your part. This can be DIYed, but is a little complicated, and you risk bleaching the hair itself in the process. If you don't feel comfortable tackling this on your own, hire a stylist or buy a wig with pre-bleached lace.

Besides bleaching the lace, you can tweeze and trim the hair up front to create natural baby hairs. The difference this makes in making your wig appear more natural is astounding. Although baby hairs aren't necessarily the look you want to have, everybody has them, so your wig will look a little odd without them.

Customize for Your Face Shape

Before you buy your wig, decide what hairstyle you're okay with rocking every day. This decision will inform the type of wig and thickness of the strands. Make sure to consider your face shape as you decide, since certain cuts look better on different face shapes.

Once you've chosen a hairstyle for your face shape, don't merely purchase a wig in that existing hairstyle. Go the extra mile and visit the salon to have it cut to your face specifically.

Face shapes and features vary widely from person to person, so wigs aren't designed for one standard face. Getting it cut for your face will make the wig look ten times more natural.

Choose a stylist that has experience with cutting wigs. It's an entirely different animal than cutting natural hair. Synthetic wigs need special scissors, too, so let your stylist know ahead of time so they can prepare.

Go for a Rooted Color

Even when hair isn't dyed, it always grows in darker at the root. The sun lightens natural hair by destroying the melanin in the strands, so it's pretty unavoidable even in those who don't visit the salon.

For a more natural look, choose a wig with a slightly darker root to emulate this natural process of lightening hair. Wigs that are all one color won't look natural all year long unless you want that fresh from the salon look!

Don't Forget to Use Product

Regardless of whether or not you choose human hair or synthetic hair, your wig needs to be shampooed and conditioned regularly. Make sure to purchase shampoo and conditioner that's designed specifically for wigs to get the most out of your product's effect on your locks.

If you don't like the shine that seems to cover all wigs, matte it up a little with some dry shampoo. You can even buy dry shampoo in different colors now to coat the entire wig without a dusty white haze on top.

Bonus: the dry shampoo will add volume and make it easier to style, too.

Place It Correctly

This might be wigs 101, but it bears repeating: make sure your wig is placed properly on your head. Align it with your natural hairline for the most real-looking effect.

Even if you don't like your natural hairline, don't try to correct it with your wig. Your face shape supports your natural hairline, so it won't look right if you change it. You should also make sure to wear a nylon or mesh cap underneath to prevent your own hair from peeking out underneath.

Don't have any hair and therefore unsure how to find your natural hairline? Don't fret! There's a trick for that: the 90-degree angle method.

Place on hand atop your head, fingers pointing ahead of you. Place the other hand in front of your face with the back of your hand facing out.

Find the place where your fingertips meet. That's your natural hairline.

Looking for Natural Looking Wigs?

Now that you've read up on how to find the most realistic wigs out there, you're probably ready to step your game up with a new high-quality wig!

Check out our vast selection of natural looking wigs to find the perfect fit for you!

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